These are notes about little server setups on a pi. They are based on various articles and tutorials on the net, as well manual pages. Everything is provided on a “works for me” base.
I used Arch as base system. The configurations should work under other distributions as well. Package names may vary.
Notes so far:
An unsorted list with ideas that I might tackle some day:
Torrent download speed with transmission as seeder was rather slow. Seems to be a problem with transmission (bug report for transmission). So either replace or fix transmission.
Mail cache? -> Cron-Job, that regularly collects mail and serves it with dovecot SSH remote access to quickly glance at mail using mutt/nmh. Maybe even externally accessible for android
Data storage via git annex
Access from the interwebs through OpenVPN.
Compilation client for distcc
2018-08-26 Small update to Samba: adding a user for write access. Add common share user group
2018-04-04 Added transmission firewall rules. Also added note about transmission speeds.
2018-04-01 Correction in basic firewall, added http, llmnr, smb rules
2018-03-18 Added basic firewall setup with nftables
2018-03-14 More notes in torrent and samba articles.
2018-03-04 Initial upload. Base system, web server, torrents and samba description