
Serving torrents with transmission

This step depends on the webserver created in the previous step. It will serve as tracker. Torrents will be read from /srv/http/torrents and contents are written to /srv/torrent.

Installation and configuration

There are various GUI-less torrent clients available. We use transmission. Install the transmission-cl package to get the headless version. A systemd daemon file is already included, which will run the daemon as user transmission.

Start the service one time to let it create its default configuration under /var/lib/transmission/.config/transmission-daemon/.

Make a symbolic link pointing to the folder on the storage: ln -s /srv/torrent /srv/storage/torrent. Accessing this symbolic link will block until either the device timeout is reached (resulting in error) or the device is mounted.

I changed the following configuration settings:

Transmission requests rather high send and receive buffer sizes, which need to be enabled in the kernel run time configuration. Create the file /etc/sysctl.d/transmission.conf and write the following lines into it:

net.core.wmem_max = 1048576
net.core.rmem_max = 4194304

Additional configuration information can be seen on github or arch wiki.


When using the default bind of, transmission will register itself with the localhost-ip in the tracker. This causes it to not be reachable by clients recveiving the IP from the tracker. A workaround is to enter the ip of the ethernet adapter by hand. Of course this has to be repeated every time the network is changed.

So we write a script that queries for the current IP and sets it in the configuration file:

EXT_IP=`ip -o -4 addr list eth0 | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d/ -f1`
sed -i "9s/[[:digit:]]*\.[[:digit:]]*\.[[:digit:]]*\.[[:digit:]]*/${EXT_IP}/" /var/lib/transmission/.config/transmission-daemon/settings.json

Save this script as set-ip.sh in /var/lib/transmission, make it executable and owned by transmission.

After that create an override for the transmission unit file the set the dependencies on the mount point and execute the ip script prior to starting transmission. Create the override with systemctl edit transmission:


ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/bash /var/lib/transmission/set-ip.sh

The next step is to edit the mount point service, to start transmission after the mount is executed. Create an override with systemctl edit srv-storage.mount


This will automatically launch transmission, as soon as /srv/storage is mounted. Which basically means transmission will not be started until the external device is plugged in and started.

Installing bitstorm

Bitstorm is a simple torrent tracker written in php. Published on github. I zipped it and you can download it here. Copy announce.php into the html root. Some configuration variables are worth changing, especially location of the peers file. /dev/shm is fine, as it is world writeable and in RAM. If persistency is required it can also be written into the html root.

Set redirection URL to ./index.html. Also disable short announces.

Firewall rules

All those rules will go into the file /etc/nft_rules/in_transmission.conf. The following ports need to be accessible:

tcp dport 8900 accept
udp dport 8900 accept
udp dport 6771 accept